Implementation of industrial chains for the management of a catalog of IAAS/PAAS Cloud services constrained by security standards.
TalkAutomatisationCI/CDCloudSecurity / DevSecOpsSecurity: Analysis and auditSecurity: Governance and Compliance
2024-12-04 | 12:00 AM - 01:00 AM | Conference Room 143
If you need to implement automated, industrialised environments with strong security constraints (Iso 27xxx, HDS, SecNumCloud, etc.) in the form of managed services, this rex is for you.
It will describe the requirements to be met, the implementation choices made (with the why and an embryo of the how) to build a set of coherent services in the form of secure industrialised chains for a cloud offering. These chains will cover everything from functional use cases for end customers (e.g. provision of a KAAS platform) to manageability tests for a managed service (e.g. updating a managed Kubernetes cluster), while complying with security best practice from construction to runtime.