My CTO said to me: What if we deployed on Friday?
TalkCI/CDCommunication and CollaborationCulture and MethodologyDevelopment
2024-12-04 | 12:00 AM - 01:00 AM | Conference Room 143
The aim of this talk is to identify why we block deployment on Fridays and then to deconstruct this blockage by proposing DevOps principles and practices, illustrated by quotes from CTOs.
Why block deployments on Fridays by default?
If you don't deploy on Fridays, you're depriving yourself of 20% of the time when you can deliver value to your customers. Sometimes we also forbid ourselves from deploying on Thursday afternoons and the eves of public holidays, so we exceed the 30% mark...
Why do we stop? To avoid a production incident on the eve of the weekend...
So we associate deployment and incident, which says a lot about our DevOps maturity (Observability, CI/CD, Management, etc.).
What if we trusted the teams to decide what is relevant and develop their maturity to make the right decisions?